What drives E-Commerce success?
We see many people flocking to jump on the E-Commerce bandwagon. For good reason, people are busy and need the convenience of shopping on the go....
Your website is a tool…. use it!
We still get calls from stressed and well intended business owners asking for a new website to "fix" their marketing and get more...
Biggest Mistake When Building A Website
Don't undervalue the power of good hosting! Most clients do not understand the relationship of web hosting to the web site. Lets break it down! The...
Let’s talk website speed!
Your website speed it imperative to user experience as well as your SEO. Speed is critical to the success of your site because people don’t like...
Say Yes to Website Maintenance
Is it necessary? YES! It is a must This is a question we get all the time. It is like this car analogy; If you buy a car its...
Coupon Strategies for E-Commerce
With the pandemic comes the mad scramble for businesses to sell online. There have been many incentive grants like the Digital Mainstream Grant in...
Congratulations! Your Website is online….Now What?
Your website is a marketing tool and now that the basics are in place, it is important to leverage all that it can do. Review the information on the...
7 Tips to Increase E-Commerce Sales Conversions
Converting website visitors into customers is the goal of e-commerce, but getting there isn’t always easy. In fact, studies estimate the average...
Tips for selling Virtual Products
Thinking about selling Virtual Products? Sales have been increasing with the onset of Covid 19 as businesses scramble to keep offering their...
How can I use my blog to benefit my business?
"I'm always told to blog for business, but why?" As a small business owner there are many "free" things you can do to help market your...
Commonly Asked Questions
We often get questions about our services and common questions about web design. Here are just a few that we will answer here: How much does a...
E-Commerce Adapting to Change- Video
May 1/20 Virtual Mentor Series presentation facilitated by the Dufferin Board of Trade. This session features an discussion on E-Commerce by Liz Skorski, Skorski Web Design Inc.