E-Commerce Adapting to Change- Video
May 1/20 Virtual Mentor Series presentation facilitated by the Dufferin Board of Trade. This session features an discussion on E-Commerce by Liz Skorski, Skorski Web Design Inc.
Agri Food E-Commerce Grant
Are you a CSA Farm in Ontario? Do you normally sell in your farm store or farmers market? E-commerce for your Agri Food business may be the...
E-Commerce for Your Business
The use of e-commerce on your website is imperative now and for the future. Adaptability is key! As I write this post we are 1 month into the Covid...
Data is Key
It is imperative to collect stats where web visitors come from, where they go, and how long they stay. By analyzing the data, we can see what is...
Web Hosting Runs the Website Engine
Cheap web hosting is just that, cheap and probably you will get what you pay for. Slow, outdated, and hard to index. Why spend the money on a...
Professional or Do it Yourself?
Recently there has been much conversation about free or do it yourself vs. hiring an website professional to develop your site. It can be so...
What is your Strategy?
Often we get clients calling wanting a website but have no plans to blog or use social media, videos etc. Part of our job is to educate...
Should you Blog? Yes. Yes you should!
More and more experts are telling us about the importance of video and about how crucial it is to connect with customers in a visual way. It IS...
Build it and they will come.
If you’re old enough to remember that line from the movie Field of Dreams, you might also remember the official grand opening of Skorski Web Design!...
Why should you blog?
Imagine going to a website and the latest post is April 2013, does this make the company look relevant? Does it enhance the perception of the...
WordPress Update
Wordpress is doing a major update to version 5.0. In order for WooCommerce to be compatible, it must be on version 3.5.1. Please update...
Hacker’s threat: Pay $857 in Bitcoin or your ‘secret life’ goes public
Toronto Star Article- Spread Awareness for this scam...