If you’re old enough to remember that line from the movie Field of Dreams, you might also remember the official grand opening of Skorski Web Design! This year they are celebrating 15 years of providing exceptional web design for small business clients and in computer years – that’s practically ancient history! Just five years ago an article appeared in Snapd Dufferin about Skorski Web Design as they celebrated their 10th anniversary and we can tell you – since that time a lot has changed. It’s time for an update, starting with the concept: “if you build it (that is – a website) they (your potential customers) will come.” If that website is built by Skorski Web Design you’ll certainly see an increase in Internet traffic but these days, you have to do so much more. Liz Skorski and the team at Skorski Web Design, are up to the challenge. In addition to websites design and development, they also build inbound marketing strategy, Search engine optimization and empower you to manage your own online presence for maximum impact.
Asked what’s changed in the last five years, here is what Owner and Web Designer Liz Skorski had to say: “We are in an era of empowerment,” she comments. “The small business owner can actually be very empowered when they have access to the right tools and know how to use them. In 2004, when I first started, these tools did not even exist….NOW we are in an age where a web designer like myself can not only set you up to succeed but also give you some tips and tools to be able to move forward on your own.” She describes, in addition to building websites, the ongoing training she now offers as part of the evolution of service levels available at Skorski Web Design. Some clients can do updates themselves and manage their own postings to the website / blog, doing so with confidence but knowing too that Liz can support them at anytime.
For others, they just don’t have the time to manage their own technology no matter how tech smart they might be and that’s ok. Skorski Web Design does that too. Liz matches clients with the right technology for their business and says a pet peeve of hers are businesses that sell a “website package” including upgrades or maintenance features that the customer (and/or the size of business) just doesn’t require. Liz offers unique and custom tailored website and SEO tools that best suit the individual customers size, business requirements and their level of comfort in handling their own technology. It is not a “one size fits all” kind of world.
Something else that has changed is the need for websites to be more secure than ever before. Each requires an SSL certificate and must be professionally optimized for SEO. You’ll want to ask about and ensure that all system back ups are in place. Of course websites these days must also be fully mobile friendly and responsive. A huge chunk of the potential market for any business is now accessing the Internet solely from their cell phones and you need to be mobile friendly to leverage any advantage that offers. That’s definitely a little different from 15 years ago.
Here’s what hasn’t changed. Fifteen years ago, Skorski Web Design was focused on “maintaining old fashioned values while incorporating new world technology.” Customer service is still the focus today. Creating new and unique websites that help clients achieve local, and global, business success is still what they do best. Now though, in addition to the research, design and implementation of new websites for customers, SWD helps clients determine an entire marketing strategy that will include a focus on social media and blogging. “Often – business owners assume if they build a website, business will come.” That’s not always the case Liz states. “Rather, your website serves as a hub but your broader marketing plan should include social media that links back to your website.” It’s not the cure-all but rather, an essential part of your marketing plan. Social media for example, should link back to the website, your blogs should link back to the website – you have a broader plan but your website is the hub. “Blogging,” she explains, “is a key part of offering something of interest and value to your customers but which also serves you by driving customers back to your website. Frequency and added value content are crucial. Building a regular schedule of blogs is a great tool for building connectivity with your customers.”
Here’s something else that has been consistent throughout 15 years of successfully designing literally hundreds of websites for satisfied customers: commitment to her own ongoing training and education as well as her commitment to community. About personal growth Liz says; “I service what I build. I enjoy staying up to date on trends and technology and I spend a lot of time reading articles, doing research, making sure I’m on trend – my business reflects 15 years of commitment to improving daily.” As for community work, Liz gives back in a variety of ways including extensive involvement with Dufferin Women in Business, sitting on the Board of Directors of the Dufferin Board of Trade and 100+ Women Who Care Dufferin.
We’ll end the way we started, with another expression you might be familiar with: “the more things change the more they stay the same.” Like our first quote, it too seems to apply here. That is, that at Skorski Web Design the emphasis remains on collaboration and great customer service, even during times of dramatic advances in website design, new accessibility tools for the “hands-on” customer and a focus on staying active on social media. Either way, Liz Skorski always has the best interests of clients top of mind. Whether you’re a small business owner and need someone to do everything, or a business who has someone on staff available to help with the technology once you’re up and running, Skorski Web Design will put you on the path to success – creating an online presence that starts with great website design, steller SEO and inbound marketing strategy and ends with providing great customer service and support – now and in the future!
Written By: Sheralyn Roman