Marketing to others effectively means you will have to establish trust in the marketplace.

The marketing strategies that establish the most trust are;

  • Content marketing
  • Media endorsements of expertise
  • Number of Facebook and Linked in Likes/shares
  • Number of current clients
  • Substantiated third party research
  • Third part testimonials


Content marketing – is one that is new to many marketers. Content marketing rests on four key assumptions:

1) That the content holds value in the eye of the reader.

2) That demonstrating expertise is more powerful than claiming it.

3) That making it available for free – and particularly by encouraging propagation on the social web – will reach more prospects.

4) That trust will increase as more content is consumed, eventually leading to a transaction or a referral.


The most obvious examples of content marketing include certain types of blog posts, white papers, how-to videos, and books.

An important benefit of content marketing is that each piece of content, once created, lasts forever.

The cumulative impact grows exponentially over time, and can become a strategic differentiator.

While creating content can be time consuming it poises you as an expert in your industry.  This of course will add credibility and trust in the marketplace.